Leufstabruk in Quaerendo
My latest article about the Library of Leufstabruk has been published in Quaerendo, Brill’s peer-reviewed journal on the history of books and manuscripts ...
My latest article about the Library of Leufstabruk has been published in Quaerendo, Brill’s peer-reviewed journal on the history of books and manuscripts ...
Autumn has arrived at Leufstabruk. That means a colorful scenery, winds from the north and a library that becomes to cold to work in. In May I wrote about my Fi...
The project at Leufsta library started some months ago. Today was my first day at the job and so far I am not complaining about the office.
Bij het afscheid van Nynke Leistra hebben een aantal collega’s van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek een artikel geschreven aan de hand van een boek uit de Short...