Video about the treasures of the Fagel Collection

Trinity College Library published a new video about some of the treasures in the Fagel Collection earlier this week.

The books briefly shown on film are a nicely bound commemoration volume with documents concerning the Union of Utrecht, Le Mirror Politique, a sixteenth century work by Guillaume de La Perrière (1499/1503-1565) on the art of government, and the dedication to Hendrik Fagel in Kerkelyke geographie der Vereenigde Nederlanden by Willem Albert Bachiene (1712-1783)

For more backgrounds on these on some other treasures in the Fagel collection, see earlier blog posts:

  1. Fagel Fine Bindings (1): Natural History
  2. Fagel Fine Bindings (2): Political Power
  3. Fagel Fine Bindings (3): Dedications