Two new articles have recently been added to the corpus of literature about the Library of Leufstabruk. The presentation about Leufstabruk held at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in November 2018 has now been published by the Tiele-Stichting in volume 8 of their annual publication ‘Boeketje Boekwetenschap’. The article focuses on the different ways how books ended up in Leufstabruk, varying from book trade with the Luchtmans booksellers to auctions and family connections.
A couple of weeks earlier, a short article was published in the latest issue of De Boekenwereld in the section about the Short-Title Catalogue, Netherlands. Featured are some of the highlights of the nearly 2200 Dutch books from this Swedish private library that are now in the STCN.

Project ‘The Library of Leufstabruk’
The ‘The Library of Leufstabruk‘ is a collaborative project between Uppsala University Library and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands, during 2018-2020. Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) has granted means to the project, to make the book collection of the library much more accessible for research. Participants in the project are project manager Peter Sjökvist, Helena Backman and Alex Alsemgeest.
The project aims to improve accessibility to the book collection of the library through a complete registration in relevant Swedish and Dutch databases, such as Libris and the Short-Title Catalogue, Netherlands (STCN). There will also be a detailed register of provenances and copy-specific information in cases of special interest, for example a selection of bookbindings in Alvin – platform for digital collections and digitized cultural heritage. Archival materials concerning the library, including correspondence with the Luchtmans booksellers will also be digitized, as well as a full digitization of copies from previously unattested Dutch editions. By these measures, access to and knowledge of the highly international material at the library of Leufstabruk and its history can be greatly improved for researchers nationally and internationally.