In the spring of 2021 The Library of Trinity College and the KB National Library of the Netherlands published a series of videos about the history of the Fagel family in The Hague. We visited several places that had a connection to the family in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, such as their mansion at the Noordeinde, the Houses of Parliament and the National Archives. In the second series, we travel to Dublin and dive into the collection of 20,000-30,000 books of the Fagels.

The second series starts with a boat tour on the Liffey and through Dublin Port with TCD Libarian Helen Shenton and Ambassador of the Netherlands to Ireland Adriaan Palm. The other videos in this series are all situated in the famous Old Library of Trinity College Dublin and give a rare insight in some of the gems of the collection and the research that is going on to open up the colletion to a wider audience. The videos are produced by Jaar & Dag Media and published as a playlist on the respective YouTube channels of the KB and the Library of Trinity College.