Fagel Videos: Traces of the family in The Hague

The Library of Trinity College and the KB National Library of the Netherlands are working together to open up the Fagel Collection. As a part of the project, we have issued a series of videos about the Fagel family and their collections. Nine episodes take us to the places that are eternally connected to the Fagels in The Hague and show us a range of histories, collections and new perespectives on the family.

Successive members of the Fagel family held high offices in the Dutch Republic throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The private library of the family has been in Dublin since 1802, but which traces of the Fagels can still be found in The Hague? You can now follow the history of the family and their collections in a series of videos.

The videos are produced by Jaar & Dag Media and published as a playlist on the respective YouTube channels of the KB and the Library of Trinity College. Places visited in this series include the Dome of Fagel of the Royal Collections, the Old Library (Handelingenkamer) of the House of Representatives, the KB, National Library of the Netherlands, the National Archives and Museum Meermanno, House of the Book.

More about the Fagels on the Fagel website of the Library of Trinity College, the project website at the Virtual Trinity Library or in Dutch at the Fagel section on the website of the KB Nationale Bibliotheek.