Coming up
21-22 November 2019| The Hague, RKD-Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis
Presentation at the Congres ‘Dutch Connections. Contacts and Cultural Exchanges Between the Netherlands and Sweden in Early Modern Times’ of the Barockakademien
Past events
15 June 2019| Dordrecht, Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum
Presentation of the Yearbook of Dutch Book History
13 June 2019| Dublin, Trinity College Library
Presentation on the occasion of the visit of the King and Queen of the Netherlands to Ireland: Connections and discoveries: the power of international cooperation for heritage collections
Fellow in Focus | Discussion of the results of the fellowship with Laura Shanahan
15 April 2019| Dublin, Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research Institute
STCN Workshop for rare book librarians, catalogers and researchers
8 April 2019| Dublin, Trinity College Library
‘The Inventories of Swedish Private Libraries’
Presentation at 2nd MEDIATE conference, 2019, by Alex Alsemgeest, Peter Sjökvist, Helena Backman
18 January 2019 | Nijmegen, Soeterbeeck Convent, Ravenstein
‘Presentation of the project ‘The Library at Leufstabruk’
5 December 2018 | Uppsala, University Library
‘Vele wegen die naar Leufsta leiden’
Presentation at Tiele Leerstoelendag
14 December 2018 | The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek
‘Dutch connections in Swedish collections’
Presentatie bij de uitreiking van de Dr. P.A. Tiele-Stichting scriptieprijs. Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 20 april 2018.
‘Bibliotheca Carcinologica L.B. Holthuis’
Lezing bij de uitreiking van de Jan Wolkers Prijs. Leiden, De Lakenhal, 16 oktober 2016.
‘Cover to cover: a book-historical approach to the Historia Naturalis Brasiliae’
Presentation with Jeroen Bos. Seminar Historia Naturalis Brasiliae. Leiden, Leiden Universiteit, 14 oktober 2016.
‘The national bibliography of the Netherlands in Sweden: Finding books, linking data and sharing knowledge’
Lund, University Library, 19 april 2016
‘Flora Culenburgensis: een korte historie van botanie en druktechnieken’
Jubileumcongres Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische Vereniging. Leiden, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, 21 januari 2016.
‘Bibliotheca Carcinologica L.B. Holthuis’
Boekpresentatie In krabbengang door kreeftenboeken. Leiden, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, 14 januari 2016.
‘Bring in the Dutch! Four centuries of Dutch books in the Baltic’
International perspectives on rare book librarianship. Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket, 19 oktober 2015.
‘Dutch books for the national bibliography in Västerås’
Temavisning av Stiftsbiblioteket. Västerås, Stiftsbiblioteket, 9 juni 2015.